Fraser and Fraser welcomes Emma Wilkins

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Fraser and Fraser would like to welcome Emma Wilkins to the company.  Since completing her degree in 2012, Emma has been working in the Probate Industry and Estate Administration. She began her career at Title Research and King’s Court Trust before moving to Fraser and Fraser in March 2017 as a Public Sector Assistant Case Manager.

Emma completed a 2.1 degree in History from Winchester University. Her degree has come into use in the Probate Research industry as she completed a module on analysing censuses which are used frequently in the field. Emma also holds Law & Practice and Private Client certificates.

Like many people Emma was first introduced to the Probate Research industry through the BBC1 show Heir Hunters, for which Fraser and Fraser has been a part of since season one. Emma had already begun looking into her family history before beginning her career in Genealogy and Probate Research. Combining her degree with her interest in genealogy and history means that a career in Probate Research is a natural progression.

“Every day in the job is different. Every case brings new stories” says Emma. She loves the investigative side of the role and uncovering the truth behind the papers. In the past families have been known to fabricate the nature of births or marriages due to the stigma of an illegitimate child. In many cases this can lead to lost family members being reunited, one of Emma’s favourite elements of the role.

Emma believes that regulation gives faith in the status and reputation of a company and co-workers. Fraser and Fraser is a founding member of the Association of Probate Researchers (APR), a regulatory body focused on bringing transparency and professionalism to the industry. The APR’s status as a recognised body under the Professional Paralegal Register (PPR) allows Case Managers to hold a PPR practising certificate whilst they follow guidelines and code of conduct set out by the APR and PPR. The APR is a safeguard for beneficiaries, the Legal and Public sectors by ensuring that those handling the estate research have the knowledge, experience and capability to do so.  Emma is a member of the APR and PPR.

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