How restoring empty homes could transform remote Scottish communities

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Bringing empty homes back into use could be key to revitalising Scotland’s Highlands and Islands region, making the area more attractive for families and reversing a long-term population decline.

According to recent statistics areas such as the Western Isles, Argyll and Bute and Shetland and Orkney all currently have around 10 per cent of homes sitting empty.

Speaking to the Herald newspaper Shaheena Din, national project manager at the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership, said: “There’s a lot of work being done around our island communities… [but] they do still have large percentages of empty homes and we recognise that there are larger numbers in rural communities.”

A recent Scottish government survey meanwhile found around 60% of those living in the nation’s island communities either “strongly disagreed or disagreed that there was enough housing to meet local demand”.

Alasdair Allan, MSP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar [the Western Isles], said: “We desperately need more young people and more working age families. Despite this, it’s increasingly difficult for young islanders to get on the housing market.

“Getting empty homes back into use has a role to play. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar [Western Isles Council] has done good work on this front by employing an empty homes officer who has helped bring 120 empty properties back into use.”

Ms Din added: “Empty homes work is a no brainer. It helps revitalise [and] sustain communities.”

However, she also highlighted the “significant challenges” the COVID-19 pandemic had brought to refurbishing empty properties.

“There was a huge rise in the cost of materials. It was a weekly rise. You would go one week to look at materials and the cost just kept increasing.

“It was quite difficult to put budget on renovation projects. There are also supply chain issues, things that would normally take a week to arrive were taking three months.”

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