Public Health Funeral Guarantee

This new service enables Local Authorities to mitigate the costs to Council Tax payers of providing funerals under s.46 Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984.
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Fraser and Fraser are delighted to announce the launch of their new service enabling Local Authorities to mitigate the costs to Council Tax payers of providing funerals under s.46 Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984. Under the Act, a Local Authority’s duty is to provide a funeral for any person who has died in their area where no other arrangements are being made – for example where nothing is known of the deceased’s family.

For many years, Fraser and Fraser has assisted Councils by locating next-of-kin where none was known. Almost always next-of-kin do exist and can be found and they then have the opportunity to attend the funeral and pay their respects. Where the deceased has left an estate, the Council will be reimbursed for providing the funeral under s.46 – if the family take on the funeral arrangements, the estate can reimburse them in the same way.

Our Service

In cases where the deceased has left no estate and the Council cannot trace next-of-kin, the Council is left with the cost of the funeral with no hope of reimbursement and the Council Taxpayers bear the cost. The Fraser and Fraser Public Health Funeral Guarantee means that Councils need not bear this cost.

Fraser and Fraser will identify and locate any surviving next-of-kin and the Council can invite them to contribute to the cost of the s.46 funeral in the usual way. Where our research shows that there is no surviving next-of-kin, the Council can apply to us for a grant either contributing towards, or meeting in total, the cost of a dignified funeral. We will assess each case on its merits in the context of the outcome of our research into the family of the deceased and consider applications accordingly.

To Qualify
The Council must have referred the matter to Fraser and Fraser exclusively to carry out next-of-kin enquiries
Fraser and Fraser’s enqurieis conclude that there is no survivng next-of-kin
No Estate
The deceased must have left no estate known of by the Council
If you would like further details, we are always happy to answer any enquiries you may have.
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